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What does a retiree look like? Well, if the retiree is in the first large cohort of professional women to retire, she looks like us. We are both lawyers who are proud of our careers and our success. We loved our profession. We loved bringing style to a very pin-striped world. We loved being part of a community of smart problem solvers.

Now that we have reached the magic age and qualified for our pensions, we haven’t changed but we have a different perspective. We can choose the best parts and make the boring bits history.  Best of all, we can experiment and take risks. We can blog. We can start a business. We can use our talents for our favorite causes.  And we can learn something new — home design, pizza making or even flying a plane.

We have many peers who recognize that once again we are collectively at the forefront of forging a new path. They, like we, are asking questions and looking for answers that fit our new needs and goals. How can we continue to grow, to have value, to be interested and interesting now that we are “retired” and not working full time?

And, once again, there is no roadmap for us. So, we are doing what we have always done—networking and creating a new picture of what retirement can look like.  We are talking to each other and to new and old friends who, like us, have worked all the way through. We are beginning to answer our questions and to figure it out.

We have decided to blog about what we are doing. This is our time!